Starting Seeds Indoors Many of our summer plants we start in our greenhouse. This means we can start them from seed earlier, and we can…
Uso de nieve para rastrear animales
So, one of the places the permaculture team is focusing on before the weather turns warm enough for seedlings to be transported to the ground…
El compostaje
Composting! This article is going to talk about the why, what, and hows of composting. Compost is any organic material that should be added to…
Natural Disaster Resiliency
This blog post is dedicated to natural disaster resiliency. We first owe a shoutout to one of our readers, Phebe, for inspiring this post! She…
Global Sand Crisis: We Are Running Out!
For those that are unaware … Sand is the most extracted natural resource in the world. It is a “key ingredient for concrete, roads, glass,…
Dandelion Salad
Sprouting up are dandelions– going full speed ahead! If you’d like to make yourself a salad bursting with nutrients and flavor, this is for you!…
Planning vs Action with Small & Slow Solutions
One of the hardest things about permaculture, or any project for that matter, is getting started. It can be so overwhelming to balance all of…
Foraging Wild Spring Greens
SPRING IS HERE!!! And while other gardeners have yet to even think about putting seeds in the ground, you can be out there harvesting bowls of…
Water, Sediment, and Using Edges
With lots of snow followed by warmer weather, there’s lots of water flowing everywhere. Here on the mountain, that water rushes with gravity downslope towards…
Waking up for Spring!
With the polar vortex bringing bone-chilling cold this winter, it seemed like spring couldn’t come soon enough. But after some crazy cycles of freeze and…