The grass around our petal beds at the Southside Permaculture Park has been a nuisance since the lawn mower cannot get in between the beds.…
Natural Disaster Resiliency
This blog post is dedicated to natural disaster resiliency. We first owe a shoutout to one of our readers, Phebe, for inspiring this post! She…
Planning vs Action with Small & Slow Solutions
One of the hardest things about permaculture, or any project for that matter, is getting started. It can be so overwhelming to balance all of…
Lenape ‘Permaculture’: The Three Sisters
The land where the Southside Permaculture Park exists today, and much of the land in Eastern PA, northern DE, southern NY, and NJ, is…
Permaculture as Situation Planning
“The most important thing we can do right now, regardless of what the future holds, is to build community, solidarity, and a culture of radical…
Guild Highlight
In the absence of human intervention, species of plants, animals, fungi, and bacterial automatically group themselves together in ways that mutually benefit all those involved.…
Cities and Energy Gradients
Human civilization may seem so extraordinarily complicated that it can never be understood in all its minute details and complexities. And indeed it is, but…